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Caring for your Watergarden

Your Watergarden will thrive in an area with filtered natural light
Please keep your plant out of direct sunlight - this damages the foliage and can increase the temperature of the water which stimulates algae growth. Keep Watergardens at least 1.5 - 2m away from windows, and they will be happy.
You will only need to change the water if it becomes cloudy or appears stagnant.
Please wash the stones in hot water and wash the vessel in hot water and detergent (please rinse thoroughly with fresh water to remove all residue) before using fresh water (detailed below) to refill. We recommend to top up the vessel with distilled or filtered water (or boiled and cooled tap water) only. Top the water to the base of the plant insert - it doesn't matter if it's 5mm or so away from the actual plastic. The roots of the plant will grow down to the water.
A weak solution of water-soluble tonic (1ml to 1L ratio) such as Seasol can be added to provide the nutrients your plant needs.

If you feel that the plant requires a fertiliser, use the same ratio of liquid Powerfeed. Application rates will vary depending on the ambient environment of the plants location. We recommend making a bottle of this solution (we use a 2L milk bottle) and you can use it as required.

We fill a glass with this solution, then take the plant insert out of the vessel and sit the plant (in it's little plastic container with stones) on top of the glass so that the roots sit in the glass. Leave it there for a maximum of 24 hours (or just overnight is also fine) before returning the plant to the vessel. Doing it this way means you don't have to clean out the big glass vessel and all the stones - much simpler!

When to provide nutrients?

In the growing season (September to February), try for once a fortnight. Don't worry if it only happens once a month though! In the dormant season (March to August) the rate of growth will slow, so perhaps once every 6 weeks. We recommend planning ahead and putting the "feeding dates" in your calendar so you don't forget.